Just some brief flying bits from tonights beautiful weather in North Lincolnshire. Plane is flying well, although I'm still using that horrible NTM 1400kv motor - SunnySky 1250kv motor is on its way so that will be a nice upgrade as I'll be switching it to 4s.
Camera: Firefly 7s 1080p/60
Mini Talon with Cyclops Tornado Autopilot
5.8GHz 600mw Immersion VTX
FrSky D8R-II+ Telemetry Receiver
9XR Pro
FatShark Dominator Goggles with Nextwave Rx (Goggles)
Immersion Uno v4 Rx (Groundstation)
Bignose antennas (3turn helical on g/s, skew on goggles).
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