Seeing as how it's now "law" to be registered as a drone operator (even though I fly model aircraft), I figured it was best to be seen to comply with the rules - even ...
An illustrated guide to stock banggood servos in the SkySurfer.
I bought this bag not only to protect the Xiaomi Fimi A3 gimbal, but also so I can carry it around on my back while I'm out cycling. Pretty nice and cheap ...
Picked this Xiaomi Fimi A3 drone up from Banggood (AFFILIATE LINK: ) because I reeeeeally wanted a ready to fly drone with decent ...
Bought a couple of chuck gliders from Lidl the other day (only 8 quid each!), I've converted one of them to RC - here's what I've done. Nice little plane actually ...
Banggood sent me the KIT version of this aircraft to review. While I wasn't impressed with the plastic motor mount (which has sheared off 3 times now) the plane ...
Why is it tail heavy with only a 30g motor? Surely a 2200mAh 4s battery should offset it? Does it NEED a stabiliser to actually fly?
A full approach into EGPF in the DC9, starting just south of the GOW (Glasgow) VOR on 115.40, then a 14 mile run to the North East heading 55 degrees before ...
Was very cold out today, bad video reception on 5.8GHz too because of the mist but it would have been rude not to go out for half an hour since it was so calm.
I saw Bruce's video about his sub-250g Bonsai wing this morning and I thought I might as well do some weighing of my own. I wanted to see how easily I can ...
So the weather has been a bit pants and there's only one way to get around the monotony of it - do all of the niggly little things you need to do before super fun ...
I think it was Pudsey who did this mod a while ago and I'd been meaning to redo my old Skywalker for a while - I really don't like the elastic bands that attach a ...
So I went across to the hallowed Turf Fields for the first time in a couple of years to meet up with Ginner, Keukpa and Faffer for a mornings flying. Good fun - not ...
So I took the Z84 out for a quick flight this morning only to be greeted with a blank DVR - the video feed wasn't working. I took the plane back home and ...
I found this video from earlier in 2018 - this was the first FPV flight with my Avios Bushmule Twin . Unfortunately I got telemetry errors immediately after takeoff, ...
A quick update on what I'm flying because it's Sunday evening and I'm bored. Maybe you are too.
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